Friday, June 27, 2008

Shah Bath: Door

This public bath is located in the Grand Bazaar of Mashad , near a mosque known by the same name. This is supposed to be converted into a museum. The bath was constructed by Shah Abbas I of Safavid dynasty and consists of a clockroom with eight stone pillars and a domed ceiling. It has been repaired several times since then.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Flower: Anthuriums and the blue ones (Serie 2)

This is the 2nd serie of flowers which I have taken their photos. In this photo, you can see two kind of flowers, the blue long ones and those small flowers on the right (green) and the left (white). Again I do not know their names. If you know them, please let me know. Thank you

Those side flowers are named Anthurium.
Again thanks to Sara for let us know their name

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad: Main Entrance (North)

This is the main entrance of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. If you compare this symbolic structure to the school's logo in previous post of yesterday, you may recognize that designers tried to make a symbol similar to what is in the logo. The logo of the school includes a pen (the vertical element), a book (the horizontal element) and a dome (which refers to Emam Reza's dome). This structure looks like the top of the pen in the logo.

There is an interesting poem on the wall of the entrance. It may belong to the famous poet, Ferdowsi. It says:
Do not take a rest in learning
If you want to shine your life

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad: East Entranceّ

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is a state university, established in 1949, and the third oldest major state university of Iran. It is the largest university in northeast Iran, and has a large faculty. The university offers 140 bachelors, masters, and doctorate degrees to 15,000 male and female students studying under 700 faculty members with the aid of 2000 staff employees.

I earned my bachelor degree in Civil Engineering in this school, from 2003 to 2007.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Flower: Lilium (Serie 1)ّ

From now I will post series of flower photos. Unfortunately I have never tried to learn flowers' names. So please help me (and other visitors) to know my flowers' names if you know them.

Do you know this flower's name?
This flower is named Lilium.

Thanks to Sara for her information.


ARIAN is the most popular Iranian POP music band. They started their work in 2003 and untill now they have presented four albums. Their new album has been presented recently with the name of "WITH YOU. WITHOUT YOU". It's so interesting to see Chris de Burgh is singing with ARIAN. It's lovely! (Thanks to Massoud Saberian who reminded me Arian)

Today I bought their new album CD. This photo was on its cover.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Old Mashhad: around 100 years ago

This is an old house (but not very old; maybe around 75 to 100 years old) in an old neighborhood of Mashhad. It may belong to Ghajar dynasty.

Saadi Street, Mashhad

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Poli & Foli

The first published photos of my photo blog taken by my new Canon camera are of Poli and Foli. They are sisters and live in my brother's house. They look cute! Look at Foli's eyes color; Foli is the black one.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Mercury vs Canon

At last I bought a new camera after 5 years having a Mercury 2.1 Mega Pixels camera. I bought the Mercury when I was 18. Since then, I have taken around 5,500 photos. I love my Mercury. I have lots of memories with it. We have seen lots of places with each other; we looked to many scenes with our eyes/lens. During this period, I and my Mercury have visited 7 provinces in Iran other than where I live (North Khorsasan, Mazandaran, Gilan, Tehran, Semnan, Esfahan, Hormozgan) and 3 foreign countries (Saudi Arabia, Emirates and Cyprus). Mercury, I will not forget you.

My new camera is a Canon A720 with 8 Mega Pixels and 6X optical zoom. Hello and welcome Canon to my life.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Khaje Rabee Tomb

Another place worthes to visit in Mashhad is Khajeh Rabee tomb with its famous 16th century inscriptions by the best Persian calligraphers. The cemetery was originally a park (it is now a grave yard), and now the single monument to Khaje Rabee seems a little extravagant in the midst of so many much simpler memorials. The mausoleum is 4 kilometers north of Mashhad.

Location: Khaje Rabee Tomb, Mashhad

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Plasterwork: Carving of Rostam & Simorgh

Rostam is a mythical hero of Iran; he is the champion of champions. He was immortalized by the 10th century poet Ferdowsi of Tus in the Shahnameh or Epic of Kings, which contain pre-Islamic folklore and history.

Simorgh also known as Angha, is the modern Persian name for a fabulous, benevolent, mythical flying creature. Simorgh always helped Rostam to win his battles

In this carving, you can see Simorgh and Rostam beside each other.

Location: Ferdowsi Tomb and Musuem, Toos, Mashhad

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sidewalk: an unusual design of light poles

Location: Bahar Street, Taghi Abad Square, Mashhad

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bread: Ghagh

"Ghagh" is the name of a special local bread made with milk, sugar and sesame. It tastes fantastic! This kind of bread is thin and crisp, as you see.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Marble Sculpture of Nader Shah

Nader Shah ruled as King of Persia (1736-47 AD). His campaigns created a great Iranian Empire that briefly encompassed what is now Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, parts of the Caucasus region, and parts of Central Asia, but his military spending had a ruinous effect on the Persian economy. Nader Shah has been described as "the last great Asian military conqueror".

Location: Nader Shah tomb and musuem, Shohada Street, Mashhad

Friday, June 13, 2008

Old, Sad and Tired

This old man looks so sad and tired. He wasn't a beggar. He was selling some hand-made washclothes to earn some money, though people did not care. I got closer to him and asked him if I can take his photo. He only moved his head to say yes. I asked him to smile; but he couldn't. It was something unknown for him. He forgot how to smile.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Green Dome

This beautiful building called Gonbad Sabz (Green Dome) is the tomb of Mohammad Momen, a philosopher in 6 centuries ago, around 1400 AD. The green dome was built 300 years ago in 1700 AD. I like its happy colors (green and blue) and also its architecture!

Location: Akhoond Khorasani Street, Mashhad

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Colonel Pecian (Pesian)

Colonel Mohammad Taqi Pecian (Pesian) was the first Iranian pilot. He was born in 1892 in Tabriz. In 1907 he left for Tehran to continue his education and entered Military College. After 5 years he took up the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Gendarmerie, within two years he was promoted to Captain. in 1916 Mohammad Taqi went to live in exile in Berlin. During his time in Berlin, he was trained as a pilot in the German Airforce and was possibly the first Iranian to fly the plane. In 1920 Mohammad Taqi returned to Iran and joined the Gendarmerie. In June 1920 he was promoted to the rank of Colonel and in September 1920 he became commander of Gendarmerie of Khorasan. He is buried in Mashhad, Khorasan in the same garden that contains Nader Shah's tomb in 1921 when he was only 29. He was a great man!

An impressive poem has been written on his grave:
This head which is the sign of commandership,
is free of life today.
Look at him with cautionary,
this is the result of patriotism.

این سر که نشان سرپرستی‌ست
امروز رها ز قید هستی‌ست
با دیدهٔ عبرتش ببینید
کاین عاقبت وطن‌پرستی‌ست

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Portuguese Cannon

Hundreds years ago, Portugal attacked Iran from the south, Persian Gulf. Portuguese invaded south of Iran for several years. This cannon belongs to Portuguese army.

History: By the 17th century, European countries, including Portugal, Great Britain, Imperial Russia, and France had colonial footholds in Iran. In 1507 Portuguese invaded Persian Gulf and captured Hormuz Island. It became a naval base and trade outpost, which lasted more than a hundred years. Shah Esmail Safavi intended to taking it back, but due to the trouble of fighting with Ottomans, he could not dismiss Portuguese and concluded a treaty with them. With conclusion of this treaty, the dominance of Portuguese on the Persian gulf stabilized for some times. Shah Abbas I, with the help of England, expelled them in 1622.

Location: Nader Shah tomb & musuem, Shohada Street, Mashhad

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pomegranate Juice

Would you like to drink some cold pomegranate juice?

Young biker

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Green Grape

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hotel Homa II

This is the entrance of Hotel Homa II. It is one of the most prestigious hotels in Mashhad which hosts so many tourists (includes diplomats, governers and etc) from other countries each year. It is located in South Janbaz Street, Sajjad Boulevard.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Side trip to the North I

Hi my friends,
Sorry for my absensce for a few days. I was in a trip to the North of Iran for vacation. It was really great! Let me show you some pics of my trip to the North.

Location: Highway 22W (Mashhad to Sari): passing Golestan forest in Golestan Province. It is one of the most beautiful rural roads in the northeastern of the country.

Location: LOVEH waterfall, city of Minoo-dasht, Golestan Province

Location: Ghaboos tower (the tallest tower in the world made of bricks), city of Gonbad, Golestan Province

I have several other photos, I will put some of them here in next days. Thank you!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Sepah Bank

I don't know why Iranian banks like to have the biggest buildings in cities?! This buidling belongs to Sepah Bank. A LRT station is located near the building.

Location: Kolahdooz Intersection, Ahmad Abad Boulevard, Mashhad

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Emam Reza Shrine

Emam Reza Shrine (the golden building) is the most important place in Mashhad (also the oldest, since 1200 years ago). Each year between 15 to 20 million people travel to Mashhad to visit this holy shrine. It is really a mega-tourism site. The name of Mashhad comes back to Emam Reza, one of the Prophet Mohammad's grand sons. Mashhad means the place of death, which refers to the place which Emam Reza was killed. There is a very big underground intersection (with several parkings) under the shrine. I was going down with my car when I took this photo.